Christ Haven Home For Children

Christ’s Haven for Children operates solely on the generosity of the community. We receive donations from individuals, churches, foundations, businesses, civic groups, and others.
Providing a home environment for children, teen mom support, college and career programs, and counseling.

Christ’s Haven, is an option outside of traditional foster care for displaced youth. Family members are able to place their children with Christ Haven when they are no longer able to provide appropriate care often due to abuse, neglect, or financial strain. Their goal is to come alongside and provide safety, love, and consistency in the hope that families can become healthy and whole again.

Christ’s Haven for Children
4200 Keller-Haslet Road
Keller, Texas 76244
Phone: 817-431-1544

Christian Works

Building Healthy Homes and Families.
Helping children and families meet life’s toughest challenges.
Providing counseling, parenting education, grief and divorce support, programs for children and adoption service. ChristianWorks for Children was founded in 1967 as an adoption agency under the name Christian Services. Since then, the name has changed and the programs have expanded, but their passion for serving children and building strong families has remained.

Christian Works
5440 Harvest Hill Rd #140
Dallas, Texas

Eastern European ministries

The Bible. Free to All (30 countries and 22 languages).
We Want Everyone To Get It.
P. O. Box 55245
777 Lonesome Dove Trail
Hurst, Texas 76054
Phone: 800-486-1818

Nations University

The Nations University’s mission is building authentic faith and training Christian leaders around the world through affordable, accessible higher education, utilizing distance learning.
Phone – 866-617-6446