
Klaipeda Church of Christ
Klaipeda, Lithuania
Evangelists: Kestutis Puodziunas & Ilia Amosov
The Carrollton church is pleased to help support the church and evangelists in Klaipeda, Lithuania. The Levy church of Christ in North Little Rock, AR. is the sponsoring congregation for this good work for the Lord.
Kestutis and Ilia have lived in Lithuania all their lives. Kestutis was raised in the resort city of Palanga, on the Baltic Sea. Ilia was born in the capital city of Vilnius and now lives in Klaipeda, where he serves, along with Kestutis, as an evangelist with the Klaipeda church of Christ.
Kestutis is single. Ilia is married to his lovely wife Daiva. She is an English teacher in a local private Christian school. They have one child, a son, Jacob, who is 8 years old. Ilia is highly active in the Baltic Family Camp Ministry which is sponsored by the Levy church of Christ in North Little Rock, AR.
Ilia and Kestutis share the leadership responsibilities of the Klaipeda church. Both share the blessing of preaching Sunday sermons and teaching Bible classes during the day and evenings throughout the week. They believe that by alternating their preaching, with their own unique styles, helps to reach each individual in the congregation.
The Klaipeda church is proud of their “Bible Study Center” where they teach weekly Bible classes in groups and in one-on-one settings. This is also where they meet for Sunday worship. Recently they began implementing a program for attracting new people to the church by having group Bible studies several evenings each week. These study groups are well attended and received. The church is pleased that the groups are steadily growing.
Kestutis and Ilia are thankful for our prayers and support to help spread the gospel message (good news) of Jesus Christ in Lithuania.
Klaipeda Church of Christ
Naujakiemio g. 26-4, LT – 94192
Klaipeda, Lithuania
Tel/fax. +370 46 419010
Website: k-b.lt
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